Saturday, 21 July 2007

Don't lose your job

Don't lose your job, get divorced, become embarrassed, or be sent to prison because of what you do on your home or office computer!Are you aware that your computer is also a recording device? Almost every action you make is recorded and can be easily retrieved by anyone, not just by a computer geek but by an average computer user such as your spouse, boss, friend, or anyone who has access to the PC you use.

example, web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox can save every image and every website you open. Windows might save every login name and password you type. Media players often keep records of every movie and video clip you watch.If you visit ADULT/Porn websites, Dating Sites, Myspace, Chat rooms, or any site that you don't want anyone to discover that you've been visiting, then you need to seriously consider permanently deleting your Internet files and HISTORY with Evidence Nuker as soon as possible.

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